Saturday & Sunday like the usual weekend, did a fairly good job of blending together.
Both days were lazy to begin with, partially due to adapting to the time change but mostly because the only schedule I have been operating on is my own.
Saturday I met up with my friend Dalibor and we began our walk to the other side of the bridge to the Albanian portion of Skopje. We began our walk in high spirits and light steps excited about the sunny weather and carefree excursion. once across the bridge however the clouds decided to join us on our outing. Either way, I was able to see the old part of Skopje. Many of the building, courtyards and walkways/roads are original and fairly well preserved. The cobble stone streets are lined with shops of all kinds, clothing, jewelry, shoe shops, and of course tourist shops. As the rain started to come down faster Dalibor and I decided it would be a good idea to dodge into a cafe and wait out the weather. I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not but a cafe is also synonymous with bar, true there is coffee, but essentially only small espresso drinks, no lattes or mochas, and lots of booze.
While there Dalibor refreshed me on more of Macedonia, and Skopje's history. As well as the United States on again off again relationship with not only with the Balkans: Kosovo, Bosia, Serbia... but also specifically with Macedonia.
From the cafe we ventured out to the bazar down the hill. its essentially a flea market(?) with even more fruits and veggies, other foods, clothes shoes... its very cheap at this place but still maintains quality. Being close to Dalibors University he decided to give me a short tour of campus and his building. Like much of the building that were constructed during Socialist times in Macedonia the campus is almost entirely made out of concrete. This University is the most populated university in the country with ~ 10,000 students. It seems that the university is the best way to guarantee employment later in life. Having a degree, Dalibor informed me, does not ensure employment, or even higher employment, but without a degree there is even less hope for a pay check. At this point I learned that the unemployment rate here is around 40% where in the U.S. it's just reaching 10%. I was stunned. Whammy after whammy I then learned that the average income of the people of Macedonia is in the ball park of $3,000 USD a year. After hearing that I have looked around a lot more and am noticing that there is a divide between those that are thriving and those that are just surviving.
After campus we walked back through the city center which was much busier than Christmas day. It was FULL of people. Just as before most of the crowd was dressed to impress. Due to hunger, and plans of a night on the town we didn't linger or look too much. We stopped for lunch and I took the 25 minute walk to my flat to nap.
around 10:30 p.m. I walked towards city center to meet with Dalibor and some of his friends. Students have been on holiday from the University since the end of December and will continue to be through this month. Their winter break functions different than ours, as does most of their college classroom experience. (please keep in mind much of this is generalization, and is what I remember from the other day... yeah?) For the most part they go to class and listen to the professor talk about the subject matter, homework is limited, and there is usually only one test for each semester. Here is the kicker... their one (most important test) is in January, during their winter "break". So instead of using their winter break as an opportunity to travel, kick back with friends and family, and drink even more than usual, these students are spending much of their days studying. --- That information sets the stage for the night apparently. --- We go to a small cafe/bar where a friend of Dalibor is singing with her band. There we meet a group of Dalibors classmates just in time for his friend to start singing. Not wanting to try the national treasure of beer Skopsko again so soon (it tastes like Rainier or Natural Light) I decide to follow many others lead and get a Cognac. I decide that maybe mine should be mixed with coke, the stuff is POTENT. The band sings covers of Rock/Pop songs: Sweet Child of Mine, a song or two by No Doubt, something by Oasis 80's 90's music. The Macedonian accent is not as thick as Boris and Natasha from Rockie and Bullwinkle, but it resembles that... it was an interesting alteration to these familiar songs. Back to the winter break and testing; because testing starts next week, the bar never really gets hopping by the locals standards. To me it is a small venue, very cozy for the amount of people there, however I am incorrect, usually there is standing room only. Somewhere around 1:00 I decided that maybe it was time to go home, the club would likely be slow like the bar was, and I was ok with the night how it was. Before I arrived here walking home at 1:00 a.m. was something that I told myself was a bad idea, not a safe choice, but after being here for a few days it is clear to me that this is a safe city and I should have no problem walking around at any time day or night. Everyone please knock on wood that this is the experience that I get for the entirety of my stay.
Sunday was a LAZY day. I didn't leave my place until noon... but I set off with a plan. I wanted to go to the city center, using a route I had not used before, attempt to get lost, get found, and buy something using Macedonian Denars hopefully from someone who would speak little or no English. Mission accomplished. On my adventure I noticed several things. There are many dogs here, stray and pets a like. While the dogs here have a tail, four legs, and bark, there is one difference that I notice time and time again. The dogs here are large. Not fat large, but tall. These dogs are the types that you get nervous when that walk around toddlers. Honestly, I get nervous when they walk around me. Sure, there are Korgy type of dogs here too, and strays (a lot) but these giants lumbering down the street eek.
Another thing I noticed was the fashion and style. This trip to the center I decided to look at the malls. One was closed the other... was not. As I went through the stores, it seemed like one was much like the other. The general trend here right now is dark leather looking jackets, gray and black striped shirts of any kind, and purple. Purple for men though. All different shades, bright dark, you name it. Purple isn't really my color... so for now the wallet is safe.
Desperate to get rid of at least a few of my Denars, and at this point hungry, I stopped at the grocery store on my way home. I have good news ladies and gentlemen, I am no longer afraid of the grocery store. Even better news, I have found beer that is only 2 or 3 Denars more than Skopsko and its good!
Pretty much thats my weekend. Low key, and leaving many more to come that will surely not be as ---- uneventful. : )
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